Each of us has a unique way to do Life. Discover Yours with The Book of You.

This isn’t just any Human Design guide - it’s YOUR unique guide.

A Personalised Human Design Blueprint for Self-Mastery

The Book of You is your bridge back to your essence - empowering you to navigate life with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

This 50+ page personalised digital guidebook is a deep dive into your unique energetic blueprint, helping you uncover, integrate, and live in alignment with your true nature.

Unlock Self-Mastery with Actionable Tools

A Guide Tailored to Your Unique Design

Discover the Depth of Your Unique Blueprint

Enhance Relationships through Understanding

Your Personal Roadmap to Clarity and Purpose

Make Decisions That Align with Your True Self

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Others are LOVING their Book of You! *

  • "The book is absolutely awesome!"

    “Just enough to give a good detailed description, but no fillers or other information that can complicate or confuse.”

    Jason R. - Projector 1/3

  • This book is my cheat sheet to navigate life! Love it!

    “This book is my cheat sheet to navigate life! Love it! The Book of You has truly transformed my understanding of myself. It felt like someone handed me a key to unlock who I really am! I finally got to see what makes me, ME!”

    Flor E - Generator 2/4

  • “You know, I've heard about it and I've read a little bit, but this is explains it so nicely”

    "I absolutely adore it. It's just so awesome. I've, you know, I've heard about it, and I've read a little bit, but this is so perfect because it gives you the low expressions and the higher ones and practical tips and explains it so nicely and so many helpful things, and the mantras. I love it, I love it. I love it. It made me just feel so good all day long. And it's going to be so helpful actually, just to kind of go back and use it as one of the many tools to help keep me more aligned and to be myself. So thank you so much. I absolutely love it."

    Mary B. - Manifestor 3/5

  • "While reading I had so many “yes, okay, ah and now I understand” moments"

    “Oh, Paula, what a wonderful piece of work. The words that came up right away – it is my book but it is your book. It is truly a book from your heart. This book is a really lovely start to get a feeling around the power of understanding Human Design – not too little, not too much – just the right mix to start off and let things sink in. And something to come back to for the rest of your life. It is easy to read and understand (...)I decided to take it in steps and the 1st is to really grasp and integrate the basics – leaving the channels and centers for later. While reading I had so many “yes, okay, ah and now I understand” moments – some are a really nice confirmation and encouragement, others quite confronting but true and relevant – and explain why certain things happened in my life, e.g. my burn-out. Love it – get so much energy out of it – finally an easy to use and understand manual on how I operate. Thank you so much!!!!!”

    Sonja E. - Generator 4/6

  • “My Book of You was eye-opening!"

    “My Book of You was eye-opening! I ordered my Book of You and then I went on and gave it as a Christmas gift to a friend who is a Projector, like me. I think for us, it’s key to have a deeper understanding of how to make better use of energy and time, which isn’t the same way as it is for most people.”

    R. Martinez - 5/1 Projector

Your Personal Guide to
Self-Mastery, Sovereignty & Alignment
Through Human Design

Every one of us is uniquely designed to thrive, but we’re not taught how to align with that. 

That’s where the Book of You comes in - a personalised guide to help you uncover your strengths, trust your decisions, and create a life that feels authentically yours.

This 50+ page blueprint dives deep into your Human Design, offering insights, tools, and practical steps to align your inner and outer worlds. Whether you’re seeking clarity, navigating challenges, or unlocking your full potential, this guide empowers you to live with purpose, confidence, and flow.

✷ Inside you will discover:

  • An introduction to your unique design, including your Type, Strategy, and Authority.

  • A detailed exploration of your defined and undefined centres and what they mean for your energy dynamics.

  • Insights into the channels that shape your strengths, connections, and purpose.

  • Advanced aspects of your design, including cognition, digestion, environment, and perspective.

  • How to use this guide as a tool for sovereignty, self-mastery, and living authentically.

The Book of You isn’t just a report.

It’s your personalised roadmap to self-awareness, alignment, and living authentically. It’s designed to inspire clarity, confidence, and a deeper connection to your purpose in every area of life.

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For you…

As a Gift…